Batch Death Mail Sending Operations
The deceased staff is an ACTIVE employee of Marmara University; the deceased himself, his wife, children, his parents, his siblings,
If the deceased personnel is a RETIRED member of Marmara University; It only covers the retired personnel themselves.
For the death requests of mass e-mail to be made by the Department of Information Processing, please send your unit e-mail to corporate e-mail address or Authorized Dean/Manager/It is necessary to send the assistants or the Secretaries of the Faculty through corporate emails (Personally staff to send, with a signature introducing themselves at the end of the mail)
Death requests are prepared by the relevant unit according to the death announcement format and when requested to us at, the request is made immediately if it is appropriate. Requests received outside working hours are processed on the next business day. When there are requests that come outside working hours and are out of date, they are still announced in the past tense on the first official business day.
The unit making the request can only make one request for one person. Correction is not possible since the announcement is made in the form of bulk mail. The requesting person and institution must ensure that the information contained in the request is complete and complete. It is not appropriate to make the same announcement a second time. In this respect, requests should be made when all the information that will be included in the content is completed
The employee's Name-Surname, Mission Unit, Title, When, where to remove the funeral and when to bury it, if any, in which cemetery. Information is not processed until the incomplete requests are completed. Please be careful to enter the information in full.
Üniversitemiz ………………… Fakültesi Öğretim Üyelerinden …………………. ‘in annesi ………………………. vefat etmiştir. Cenazesi 01 Ocak Cumartesi günü öğle namazına müteakip Zincirlikuyu Camii'nden kaldırılacaktır. Merhumeye Allah’tan rahmet, ailesi ve yakınlarına başsağlığı dileriz. Marmara Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü
This page updated by Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı on 02.12.2024 14:16:57